keeping my sanity during a global crisis part 1
I used to write a lot of blogs on MySpace and Xanga where you’d read them and probably think “oh here we go… his daily breakdown,” grab your popcorn, and read about my weird thoughts. I was young, I was dumb, and everything that didn’t go my way seemed like a crisis. Ok… not really, but I would exaggerate it that way because I really enjoyed writing and would take myself to a place outside of my normal life to fuel a creative side of myself that I’ve only truly been able to get out through writing.
Fast forward to April 2020, and we are actually in a global crisis… no April fools, we are actually under “stay at home orders” and aren’t allowed to do our jobs, see our friends, or hug our parents. Everything else I ever worried about or stressed over seems pretty small at this point in my life. Perspective right? All the hours, days, weeks, months, years, we spend doing everything in our power to succeed and grow can be put on pause in a moment’s time because of something like this.
So for someone like me who is always traveling, on the go, working 24/7, and doing everything in my power to level up in business, how do I keep my sanity when I am asked to do the complete opposite? Stuck at home, can’t travel, all concerts cancelled for at least 3 months, essentially unemployed.
How do I stay busy? How do I stay sane? How do I keep a positive outlook?
Welcome to my blog, I’ll be posting as often as possible letting you know the answers to these and many other questions. Feel free to leave comments!